Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Devotional for Nov. 1

Shana shared with us the importance of daily time with God and benefits she's found in her life. Three steps can help you establish your own prayer practice.

"Some call it quiet time, others daily devotions, or meditation. It really doesn’t matter what label you put on it, time spent directly communing with God through prayer and Bible reading is what it’s all about.

It’s a time to seek Him, praise Him, thank Him, confess your sin, and seek His forgiveness. It’s also a time to learn from His Word and grow in your understanding of who God is and what He wants to do in your life. It’s an opportunity to daily renew your commitment to Him and to seek His guidance. These moments will enlighten, encourage, equip and empower you like nothing else can, but the goal is not to know more about God, it’s to actually know God Himself.

The key to a joyful and meaningful spiritual life is having that close relationship with God. First you must know Him as your Savior. Then daily seek to draw close to Him. As surely as nutritious food helps the body, so a daily quiet time with the Savior feeds and nourishes the soul. It’s impossible to growth significantly without it.

But your daily quiet time is not just for you! John 4:23 says 'Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.'

That reminds us that the Lord Himself desires our fellowship and delights in our worship. He longs for that one on one time with His child just as any parent would. Why not determine right now, if you haven’t already, that you will make having this special time with the Lord a daily priority? It wasn’t until I was in college that I discovered I could have a personal, intimate relationship with Jesus. Before that, I always believed but didn’t have the personal connection with God that I have now.

Having a quiet time for me helps with my consistency as a mom. I try to focus on God daily and be consistent with that, and then it overflows into how I relate with my kids. It helps me to be consistent in my discipline, in spending one-on-one time with the boys, and to be ever reminding the boys that God loves them.

So how can you have quiet time?

  1. First, set a time that works for you. It may mean getting up a few minutes earlier in the morning, or staying up a few minutes later at night, but try to find 15 to 20 minutes of time that you will set apart to spend with God. Don’t put anything else in that time slot. You may need to set an alarm to remind you that it’s time to pull away from other things and meet with your Heavenly Father.
  2. Second, select a place where you can be alone and uninterrupted. Choose a spot that is quiet and as free from distractions as possible. Keep your Bible study materials and prayer journal in that area so you’ll have them ready for your special time.
  3. Third, Select devotional or study materials that are meaningful for you at that season of life. Of course, keep your Bible as your primary study material. Read and meditate on the word, pray to God your honest thoughts, and listen for Him."

What are some ways that you carve out time to be with God daily? Please share in the comments.

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